Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 1

Today was my first official full day in Taiwan.  We landed late last night, and after catching some sleep, woke at 9:30 to eat breakfast and meet my new boss Clas. I had heard a lot of stories about him from my dad so I was excited to finally meet him.

He shows up very casually wearing purple high tops. Needless to say he is a very laid back guy and I like him.  After taking us on a tour of the AMI Taiwan facility, he took us to lunch at a place that serves fresh seafood.  We feasted on crab legs, fish, and prawns, all served fresh on a bed of hot coals.  It was delicious and very filling.

After that we decided to do some sight seeing.  We went to a place called Geo Park that is farther away from the city and out in a smaller town.  After a 30 minute bus ride we arrived at Geo Park which is at a coast.  It is known for its strange and unique rock formations, one of which looked like a Princess and another like a Leopard!

Unfortunately it started raining during our exploration of the park so we decided to return early to Taipei.  After getting back I check back into my extended stay suite where I'll be staying for the next three months.  Tomorrow is my first official day of work and I am excited but slightly nervous.  I'm not sure what these next few months will entail but I hope it will be a valuable experience.

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